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More recordings are in process.

Open Our Eyes (Earth songs/Inspirational/Choral) by Judy Reidinger
Awake, O My Soul  (Choir music/hymns/earth songs)

Awake, O My Soul (Choir music/hymns/earth songs)

Awake, O My Soul by Judy Reidinger Awake, o my soul to the deeps within; To life’s wonders and mystery Awake and know in all joy and woe How sacred it all must be! Awake to the earth, to our sisters and brothers And open to the light and the songs in each other Awake to the whole; awake, my soul! Awake O my soul to the joy within; All that soars high, and grows and sings; From breaking day to night’s starry display Shine glories that life can bring. For all of our good Earth is holy ground, And bushes are burning all around; So open to joy; awake, my soul! Awake O my soul to the truth within; Op’ning eyes to all light we see; All gifts are one that from God have come; And truth heals and sets us free. Hold fast what the heart knows is good, true and just, Find peace in the storm with courage and trust And follow the truth; awake, my soul! Awake O my soul to the love within, Grow the circle to all that is; From kin at home to the stranger unknown All share in the love God gives. And trust, oh my soul, you are part of the whole That’s held in the love in which we all live! So open to love, to truth and joy, new life and the whole; Awake, O my soul! Copyright 2022. Judy Reidinger Music, lyrics and arrangements by Judy Reidinger All rights reserved Produced by Paul Tate Sung by Lyndsay Ricketson, John Burke, and David Burke Recorded and Mastered at Studios See Judy Reidinger Music website: pdf's/sheet music available for all songs. Inspired by Richard Rohr and John Philip Newell
God of All by Judy Reidinger  (Choir music/anthem)

God of All by Judy Reidinger (Choir music/anthem)

Choir anthem, performed by Nathan Medley, Music Director, St. Patricks Episcopal Church, Dunwoody, Georgia. #choralmusic #choirmusic #anthem Lyrics" God of All Lord, you have spoken in many tongues To help us to know you since the world was begun; You came in Christ to set us free, To show us your love and to bring us to Thee; In many ways your spirit comes; God of all, give us peace and make us one. You moved o’er the waters of primal night; Created the world and life and light; You’re seen in the heavens and our precious Earth, And all the wonders you’ve brought to birth; Creator of all, may your kingdom come As we cherish creation, and everyone. You sent prophets and law to help understand; Called for right and justice with mighty hand; Then gave yourself and your forgiveness, And called us to follow your love’s caress. Lord and Lover, Father, Spirit, and Son, In love and justice make us one. As many parts of one Body; In bread, and wine and community In serving your children; your word in our hearts; Of all your wonders we know but part. Through the ages, from East & West, from South & North You’ve called us to know you, throughout all the earth; Emanuel, God with us, who in love has come, Like a mighty symphony make us one! In all of our ways, and in all our tongues, With all of creation we praise as one! Copyright 2011, 2021. Judy Reidinger. All rights reserved. See Judy Reidinger Music website: judysongs,com Pdf's/sheet music available for all songs.

Use of Music

Choirs, churches, and other music lovers are welcome to download and use this music, and to copy, share, perform, and develop as desired, with credit given to Judy Reidinger. 
Songs are copyrighted, all rights reserved.

PDFs for most songs are available for both choral versions with accompaniment and standard hymn format.

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